Thursday, January 27, 2011

27/1/2011 Mutton Chops

My mom was at the local Meat Stall buying stuff while I was waiting on the bike. (Me a veggie by choice, can't stand the sight/smell of raw meat). There was a small stone bench on which a guy (your average useless youth (movie style)) was sitting. Unfortunately, at the same time that I noticed him, he noticed me too.
I couldn't believe what happened next. The guy takes out his phone, positions it in front of his face at nose level. I looked away. But something made me look back again.No one reads messages like that.
I was a good 30 feet away on the road, sitting on the bike with the helmet still on.
He was taking a photo.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. There's only so much good that can come of creating technology that's affordable to roadside louts.


  1. Was the grrrrrrr part where you were revving that powerful 100 cc engine of your Dio? :P

    1. How did you get to this blog :) Yeah yeah . Grrrrrr is anger.
